Braintree Community Hospital
Our Award winning catering for patients and visitors all cooked on site using locally sourced produce.
Braintree Community Hospital is situated next to the old St. Michaels site in Braintree, Essex. It was completed in April 2010 with a focus on community care. There are various out-patient clinics as well as a 25 bed in-patient facility. Ashlyns provide three meals a day to the in-patients and we also run the staff and visitors cafe.
As with all of the Ashlyns’ projects we have maintained our ethos of locally sourced, fresh ingredients that we use to prepare the meals on site daily. We cater for all dietary requirements with a wide choice of dishes. The menus are specifically designed and dietetically coded to ensure that all of the patients’ needs are met as well as ensuring the patients enjoy the best chance of recuperation.
The staff and visitor cafe is open Monday to Friday with a hot and cold food offering as well as healthy snacks, cakes and a wide assortment of drinks. As with the patient meals, everything is cooked on site using fresh local ingredients that include free range, Farm Assured, Fair Trade and organic products.

St Margaret's Hospital, Epping
We have been running the staff and visitors cafe in partnership with West Essex PCT since 2007.
The hospital runs many clinics and all patients are encouraged to visit the cafe during their time at the hospital. As well as patients, the local community take full advantage of the competitive prices within the cafe and come along to enjoy the fantastic food and company.
The cafe is open from Monday to Friday 8.00am to 3.30pm and as with Braintree, everything is cooked on site using the same sourcing ethos.